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Wir fragen nicht nach pers\u00f6nlichen Bankdaten oder Finanzinformationen als Gegenleistung f\u00fcr eine Besch\u00e4ftigung. \u00d6ffnen Sie Dokumente in E-Mails nur dann, wenn Sie von einem unserer HR-Experten von Siemens im Rahmen eines aktiven Bewerbungsverfahrens kontaktiert werden.</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>", "header": ""}, "links": {"videos": ["https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCVxrTq-3S8"], "blogs": [{"url": "https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/company", "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/siemens/1705996952::AboutUsNew24", "title": "About us"}, {"url": "https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/careers/faq", "title": "Frequently asked questions", "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/siemens/1705996974::FAQs24"}]}, "i18n_overrides_master": {"custom_html": {"es": {"postApplyText": "", "html_footer": "<div class=\"footer-container\">\n <div class=\"jibe-container\">\n <div class=\"main-text\">\n <a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/careers\" class=\"emphasize\" target=\"_blank\" data-ste-link-id=\"2177785933.all-content:2148944721.en/home/company/jobs.html:0368980628\"> Siemens Healthineers Careers </a>\n <div class=\"flex-row\">\n <div>\n \n <p class=\"emphasize\"><a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/how-can-we-help-you\" target=\"_blank\" data-ste-link-id=\"2177785933.all-content:3769749742..siemens.com/jobs-support:0139829099\">Contact Us</a></p>\n <p class=\"emphasize\"><a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/careers/faq\" target=\"_blank\">FAQS</a></p> </div>\n <div class=\"link-container social-links\">\n <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"https://www.linkedin.com/company/siemens-healthineers?fl=smns\" data-ste-link-id=\"2177785933.all-content:2040175373.edin.com/company/siemens/:0000000000\"><i class=\"fab fa-linkedin\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a>\n <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"https://www.facebook.com/SiemensHealthineers\" data-ste-link-id=\"2177785933.all-content:2240853625.cebook.com/SiemensCareers:0000000000\"><i class=\"fab fa-facebook\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a>\n <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"https://www.instagram.com/siemens.healthineers/\" data-ste-link-id=\"2177785933.all-content:3776683254.agram.com/siemenscareers/:0000000000\"><i class=\"fab fa-instagram\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"flex-row\">\n <div>\n Siemens Healthineers AG \u00a92024\n </div>\n <div class=\"link-container text-links\">\n <a href=\"https://www.healthcare.siemens.com/terms-of-use\" target=\"_blank\" data-ste-link-id=\"2177785933.all-content:0153003252.general/terms-of-use.html:0110250375\">Terms</a>\n <a href=\"https://www.siemens.com/global/en/general/digital-id.html\" target=\"_blank\">Digital ID</a> <a href=\"https://www.siemens.com/global/en/general/talent-management/privacy-notice.html\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy Notice</a>\n <a href=\"https://www.healthcare.siemens.com/cookie\" target=\"_blank\" data-ste-link-id=\"2177785933.all-content:0692786182.eneral/cookie-notice.html:0442256571\">Cookie Policy</a>\n \n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"disclaimer-row\">\n <p class=\"disclaimer\" token-data=\"FOOTER.DISCLAIMER\" token-type=\"text\"><span>Nota importante:</span> Para todas las personas que quieran unirse a nosotros, por favor, es importante tener en cuenta que Siemens no solicita honorarios antes / durante / despu\u00e9s del proceso de solicitud. No pedimos datos bancarios o informaci\u00f3n financiera personal a cambio de una garant\u00eda de empleo. De este modo, rogamos no abrir documentos en correos electr\u00f3nicos que parezcan ser enviados por un/a recruiter de Siemens, a menos que haya seguridad de que uno de nuestros profesionales contacta contigo para un proceso de selecci\u00f3n activo.</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>", "privacy": "Al cargar tu CV, el Portal de Empleo mapear\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente tu CV con puestos de trabajo abiertos y te proporcionar\u00e1 sugerencias. Por favor, revisa nuestro Aviso de Privacidad para obtener m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n."}, "fr": {"postApplyText": "Merci de votre candidature !", "html_footer": "<div class=\"footer-container\">\n <div class=\"jibe-container\">\n <!--div class=\"flex-row\">\n <img class=\"logo\" src=\"https://assets.jibecdn.com/prod/siemensglobal/1.3.04/assets/logo.png\"/>\n </div-->\n <div class=\"main-text\">\n <a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/careers\" class=\"emphasize\" target=\"_blank\"> Siemens Healthineers Careers </a>\n <div class=\"flex-row\">\n <div>\n \n <p class=\"emphasize\"><a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/how-can-we-help-you\" target=\"_blank\">Contact Us</a></p>\n <p class=\"emphasize\"><a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/careers/faq\" target=\"_blank\">FAQS</a></p>\n </div>\n <div class=\"link-container social-links\">\n <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"https://www.linkedin.com/company/siemens-healthineers?fl=smns\"><i class=\"fab fa-linkedin\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a>\n <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"https://www.facebook.com/SiemensHealthineers\"><i class=\"fab fa-facebook\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a>\n <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"https://www.instagram.com/siemens.healthineers/\"><i class=\"fab fa-instagram\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"flex-row\">\n <div>\n Siemens Healthineers AG \u00a92024\n </div>\n <div class=\"link-container text-links\">\n <a href=\"https://new.siemens.com/global/en/general/terms-of-use.html\" target=\"_blank\" data-ste-link-id=\"2177785933.all-content:0153003252.general/terms-of-use.html:0110250375\">Terms</a>\n <a href=\"https://www.siemens.com/global/en/general/digital-id.html\" target=\"_blank\">Digital ID</a> <a href=\"https://www.siemens.com/global/en/general/talent-management/privacy-notice.html\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy Notice</a>\n <a href=\"https://new.siemens.com/global/en/general/cookie-notice.html\" target=\"_blank\" data-ste-link-id=\"2177785933.all-content:0692786182.eneral/cookie-notice.html:0442256571\">Cookie Policy</a>\n \n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"disclaimer-row\">\n <p class=\"disclaimer\" token-data=\"FOOTER.DISCLAIMER\" token-type=\"text\"><span>Remarque importante:</span> \u00e0 tous les candidats, veuillez noter que Siemens ne demande aucun frais avant / pendant / apr\u00e8s le processus de recrutement. En aucun cas, nous vous demanderons vos coordonn\u00e9es bancaires ou informations financi\u00e8res personnelles en \u00e9change d'un emploi. De m\u00eame, veuillez ne pas ouvrir de documents dans des e-mails qui semblent avoir \u00e9t\u00e9 envoy\u00e9s par un recruteur Siemens, sauf si vous \u00eates s\u00fbr(e) d'\u00eatre contact\u00e9(e) par l'un de nos professionnels dans le cadre d\u2019un recrutement.</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>"}, "pt-br": {"postApplyText": "", "html_footer": "<div class=\"footer-container\">\n <div class=\"jibe-container\">\n <!--div class=\"flex-row\">\n <img class=\"logo\" src=\"https://assets.jibecdn.com/prod/siemensglobal/1.3.04/assets/logo.png\"/>\n </div-->\n <div class=\"main-text\">\n <a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/careers\" class=\"emphasize\" target=\"_blank\"> Siemens Healthineers Careers </a>\n <div class=\"flex-row\">\n <div>\n \n <p class=\"emphasize\"><a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/how-can-we-help-you\" target=\"_blank\">Contact Us</a></p>\n <p class=\"emphasize\"><a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/careers/faq\" target=\"_blank\">FAQS</a></p> </div>\n <div class=\"link-container social-links\">\n <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"https://www.linkedin.com/company/siemens-healthineers?fl=smns\"><i class=\"fab fa-linkedin\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a>\n <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"https://www.facebook.com/SiemensHealthineers\"><i class=\"fab fa-facebook\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a>\n <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"https://www.instagram.com/siemens.healthineers/\"><i class=\"fab fa-instagram\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"flex-row\">\n <div>\n Siemens Healthineers AG \u00a92024\n </div>\n <div class=\"link-container text-links\">\n <a href=\"https://new.siemens.com/global/en/general/terms-of-use.html\" target=\"_blank\" data-ste-link-id=\"2177785933.all-content:0153003252.general/terms-of-use.html:0110250375\">Terms</a>\n <a href=\"https://www.siemens.com/global/en/general/digital-id.html\" target=\"_blank\">Digital ID</a> <a href=\"https://www.siemens.com/global/en/general/talent-management/privacy-notice.html\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy Notice</a>\n <a href=\"https://new.siemens.com/global/en/general/cookie-notice.html\" target=\"_blank\" data-ste-link-id=\"2177785933.all-content:0692786182.eneral/cookie-notice.html:0442256571\">Cookie Policy</a>\n \n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"disclaimer-row\">\n <p class=\"disclaimer\" token-data=\"FOOTER.DISCLAIMER\" token-type=\"text\"><span>Nota importante:</span> Caso se queira juntar a n\u00f3s, por favor note que a Siemens n\u00e3o cobra quaisquer taxas associadas ao processo de candidatura. N\u00e3o solicitamos dados banc\u00e1rios ou financeiros pessoais como garantia de emprego. Do mesmo modo, n\u00e3o abra documentos em e-mails aparentemente enviados por um recrutador da Siemens caso n\u00e3o tenha a certeza de que est\u00e1 a ser contatado por um dos nossos profissionais para um processo de candidatura ativo.</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>"}, "zh-cn": {"postApplyText": "", "html_footer": "<div class=\"footer-container\">\n <div class=\"jibe-container\">\n <!--div class=\"flex-row\">\n <img class=\"logo\" src=\"https://assets.jibecdn.com/prod/siemensglobal/1.3.04/assets/logo.png\"/>\n </div-->\n <div class=\"main-text\">\n <a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/careers\" class=\"emphasize\" target=\"_blank\"> Siemens Healthineers Careers </a>\n <div class=\"flex-row\">\n <div>\n \n <p class=\"emphasize\"><a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/how-can-we-help-you\" target=\"_blank\">Contact Us</a></p>\n <p class=\"emphasize\"><a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/careers/faq\" target=\"_blank\">FAQS</a></p> </div>\n <div 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token-type=\"text\"><span>\u91cd\u8981\u8aaa\u660e:</span> \u5c0d\u65bc\u6240\u6709\u5e0c\u671b\u52a0\u5165\u6211\u5011\u7684\u6c42\u8077\u8005\uff0c\u8acb\u6ce8\u610f\uff0cSiemens \u4e0d\u6703\u5728\u7533\u8acb\u6d41\u7a0b\u4e4b\u524d/\u4e4b\u4e2d/\u4e4b\u5f8c\u8981\u6c42\u6536\u8cbb\u3002\u6211\u5011\u4e0d\u6703\u6c42\u63d0\u4f9b\u9280\u884c\u8cc7\u8a0a\u6216\u500b\u4eba\u8ca1\u52d9\u8a0a\u606f\u4ee5\u63db\u53d6\u5c31\u696d\u4fdd\u8b49\u3002\u540c\u6a23\uff0c\u9664\u975e\u60a8\u78ba\u5b9a\u662f\u516c\u53f8\u7684\u5c08\u696d\u4eba\u54e1\u6b63\u5728\u8207\u60a8\u806f\u7e6b\u95dc\u65bc\u7533\u8acb\u6d41\u7a0b\u4e4b\u4e8b\u5b9c\uff0c\u5426\u5247\u8acb\u4e0d\u8981\u6253\u958b\u6709\u7591\u616e\u4e4bSiemens \u62db\u52df\u4eba\u54e1\u767c\u9001\u7684\u96fb\u5b50\u90f5\u4ef6\u4e2d\u7684\u9644\u4ef6\u3002</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>"}, "ja": {"postApplyText": "", "html_footer": "<div class=\"footer-container\">\n <div class=\"jibe-container\">\n <!--div class=\"flex-row\">\n <img 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\u304c\u5fdc\u52df\u30d7\u30ed\u30bb\u30b9\u306e\u524d/\u6700\u4e2d/\u5f8c\u306b\u6599\u91d1\u3092\u8acb\u6c42\u3059\u308b\u3053\u3068\u306f\u3042\u308a\u307e\u305b\u3093\u3002\u96c7\u7528\u306e\u4fdd\u8a3c\u3068\u5f15\u304d\u63db\u3048\u306b\u3001\u9280\u884c\u306e\u8a73\u7d30\u3084\u500b\u4eba\u306e\u8ca1\u52d9\u60c5\u5831\u3092\u8981\u6c42\u3059\u308b\u3053\u3068\u306f\u3042\u308a\u307e\u305b\u3093\u3002\u540c\u69d8\u306b\u3001\u63a1\u7528\u30d7\u30ed\u30bb\u30b9\u306b\u304a\u3044\u3066\u5f53\u793e\u304b\u3089\u9023\u7d61\u3092\u53d7\u3051\u3066\u3044\u308b\u3068\u3044\u3046\u3053\u3068\u304c\u78ba\u5b9f\u3067\u306a\u3044\u9650\u308a\u3001Siemens \u306e\u63a1\u7528\u62c5\u5f53\u8005\u304b\u3089\u9001\u4fe1\u3055\u308c\u305f\u3088\u3046\u306b\u898b\u3048\u308b\u96fb\u5b50\u30e1\u30fc\u30eb\u306e\u30c9\u30ad\u30e5\u30e1\u30f3\u30c8\u3092\u958b\u304b\u306a\u3044\u3067\u304f\u3060\u3055\u3044\u3002</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>"}, "cs": {"postApplyText": "", "html_footer": "<div class=\"footer-container\">\n <div class=\"jibe-container\">\n <!--div class=\"flex-row\">\n <img class=\"logo\" src=\"https://assets.jibecdn.com/prod/siemensglobal/1.3.04/assets/logo.png\"/>\n </div-->\n <div class=\"main-text\">\n <a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/careers\" class=\"emphasize\" target=\"_blank\"> Siemens Healthineers Careers </a>\n <div class=\"flex-row\">\n <div>\n \n <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" token-data=\"FOOTER.US_DISABILITY_LINK\" token-type=\"text\" href=\"https://usa.siemens.com/accommodation-for-disability\">\n <span class=\"emphasize\">US Only:</span> Review Accommodations for Disability\n </a>\n \n <p class=\"emphasize\"><a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/how-can-we-help-you\" target=\"_blank\">Contact Us</a></p>\n <p class=\"emphasize\"><a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/careers/faq\" target=\"_blank\">FAQS</a></p> </div>\n <div class=\"link-container social-links\">\n <a target=\"_blank\" 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Nikdy nepo\u017eadujeme bankovn\u00ed spojen\u00ed, informace o va\u0161\u00ed osobn\u00ed finan\u010dn\u00ed situaci ani podobn\u00e9 v\u00fdm\u011bnou za p\u0159\u00edslib zam\u011bstn\u00e1n\u00ed. Stejn\u011b tak, pros\u00edm, neotv\u00edrejte dokumenty v e-mailech, kter\u00e9 se tv\u00e1\u0159\u00ed, \u017ee jsou poslan\u00e9 ze Siemens, pokud si nejste jisti, \u017ee jste kontaktov\u00e1ni na\u0161\u00edm zam\u011bstnancem v pr\u016fb\u011bhu v\u00fdb\u011brov\u00e9ho \u0159\u00edzen\u00ed, jeho\u017e se \u00fa\u010dastn\u00edte.</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>"}, "de": {"postApplyText": "", "html_footer": "<div class=\"footer-container\">\n <div class=\"jibe-container\">\n <!--div class=\"flex-row\">\n <img class=\"logo\" src=\"https://assets.jibecdn.com/prod/siemensglobal/1.3.04/assets/logo.png\"/>\n </div-->\n <div class=\"main-text\">\n <a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/careers\" class=\"emphasize\" target=\"_blank\"> Siemens Healthineers Careers </a>\n <div class=\"flex-row\">\n <div>\n \n <p class=\"emphasize\"><a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/how-can-we-help-you\" target=\"_blank\">Kontakt</a></p>\n <p class=\"emphasize\"><a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/careers/faq\" target=\"_blank\">FAQS</a></p> </div>\n <div class=\"link-container social-links\">\n <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"https://www.linkedin.com/company/siemens-healthineers?fl=smns\"><i class=\"fab fa-linkedin\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a>\n <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"https://www.facebook.com/SiemensHealthineers\"><i class=\"fab fa-facebook\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a>\n <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"https://www.instagram.com/siemens.healthineers/\"><i class=\"fab fa-instagram\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"flex-row\">\n <div>\n Siemens Healthineers AG \u00a92024\n </div>\n <div class=\"link-container text-links\">\n <a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/de/terms-of-use\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Nutzungsbedingungen</a>\n <a href=\"https://www.siemens.com/global/en/general/digital-id.html\" target=\"_blank\">Digital ID</a> <a href=\"https://www.siemens.com/global/en/general/talent-management/privacy-notice.html\" target=\"_blank\">Datenschutzerkl\u00e4rung</a>\n <a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/deu/corporate/cookie\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Cookie Richtlinien\n </a>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"disclaimer-row\">\n <p class=\"disclaimer\" token-data=\"FOOTER.DISCLAIMER\" token-type=\"text\"><span>Wichtiger Hinweis an alle Bewerber:</span> Beachten Sie bitte, dass Siemens vor / w\u00e4hrend / nach dem Bewerbungsprozess keine Geb\u00fchren verlangt. Wir fragen nicht nach pers\u00f6nlichen Bankdaten oder Finanzinformationen als Gegenleistung f\u00fcr eine Besch\u00e4ftigung. \u00d6ffnen Sie Dokumente in E-Mails nur dann, wenn Sie von einem unserer HR-Experten von Siemens im Rahmen eines aktiven Bewerbungsverfahrens kontaktiert werden.</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>"}, "en": {"postApplyText": "", "html_footer": "<div class=\"footer-container\">\n <div class=\"jibe-container\">\n <!--div class=\"flex-row\">\n <img class=\"logo\" src=\"https://assets.jibecdn.com/prod/siemensglobal/1.3.04/assets/logo.png\"/>\n </div-->\n <div class=\"main-text\">\n <a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/careers\" class=\"emphasize\" target=\"_blank\"> Siemens Healthineers Careers </a>\n <div class=\"flex-row\">\n <div>\n \n <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" token-data=\"FOOTER.US_DISABILITY_LINK\" token-type=\"text\" href=\"https://usa.siemens.com/accommodation-for-disability\">\n <span class=\"emphasize\">US Only:</span> Review Accommodations for Disability\n </a>\n \n <p class=\"emphasize\"><a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/how-can-we-help-you\" target=\"_blank\">Contact Us</a></p>\n <p class=\"emphasize\"><a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/careers/faq\" target=\"_blank\">FAQS</a></p> </div>\n <div class=\"link-container social-links\">\n <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"https://www.linkedin.com/company/siemens-healthineers?fl=smns\"><i class=\"fab fa-linkedin\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a>\n <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"https://www.facebook.com/SiemensHealthineers\"><i class=\"fab fa-facebook\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a>\n <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"https://www.instagram.com/siemens.healthineers/\"><i class=\"fab fa-instagram\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"flex-row\">\n <div>\n Siemens Healthineers AG \u00a92024\n </div>\n <div class=\"link-container text-links\">\n <a href=\"https://www.healthcare.siemens.com/terms-of-use\" target=\"_blank\">Terms</a>\n <a href=\"https://www.siemens.com/global/en/general/digital-id.html\" target=\"_blank\">Digital ID</a> <a href=\"https://www.siemens.com/global/en/general/talent-management/privacy-notice.html\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy Notice</a>\n <a href=\"https://www.healthcare.siemens.com/cookie\" target=\"_blank\">Cookie Policy</a>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"disclaimer-row\">\n <p class=\"disclaimer\" token-data=\"FOOTER.DISCLAIMER\" token-type=\"text\"><span>Important note:</span> For all job applicants looking to join us, please note Siemens does not ask for fees prior/during/after the application process. We do not ask for banking details or personal financial information in return for the assurance of employment. Similarly, please do not open documents in e-mails that appear to be sent by a Siemens recruiter unless you are sure you are being contacted by one of our professionals for an active application process.</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>"}, "nl": {"postApplyText": "", "html_footer": "<div class=\"footer-container\">\n <div class=\"jibe-container\">\n <!--div class=\"flex-row\">\n <img class=\"logo\" src=\"https://assets.jibecdn.com/prod/siemensglobal/1.3.04/assets/logo.png\"/>\n </div-->\n <div class=\"main-text\">\n <a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/careers\" class=\"emphasize\" target=\"_blank\"> Siemens Healthineers Careers </a>\n <div class=\"flex-row\">\n <div>\n \n <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" token-data=\"FOOTER.US_DISABILITY_LINK\" token-type=\"text\" href=\"https://usa.siemens.com/accommodation-for-disability\">\n <span class=\"emphasize\">US Only:</span> Review Accommodations for Disability\n </a>\n \n <p class=\"emphasize\"><a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/how-can-we-help-you\" target=\"_blank\">Contact Us</a></p>\n <p class=\"emphasize\"><a href=\"https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/careers/faq\" target=\"_blank\">FAQS</a></p> </div>\n <div class=\"link-container social-links\">\n <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"https://www.linkedin.com/company/siemens-healthineers?fl=smns\"><i class=\"fab fa-linkedin\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a>\n <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"https://www.facebook.com/SiemensHealthineers\"><i class=\"fab fa-facebook\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a>\n <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"https://www.instagram.com/siemens.healthineers/\"><i class=\"fab fa-instagram\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"flex-row\">\n <div>\n Siemens Healthineers AG \u00a92024\n </div>\n <div class=\"link-container text-links\">\n <a href=\"https://www.healthcare.siemens.com/terms-of-use\" target=\"_blank\">Terms</a>\n <a href=\"https://www.siemens.com/global/en/general/digital-id.html\" target=\"_blank\">Digital ID</a> <a href=\"https://www.siemens.com/global/en/general/talent-management/privacy-notice.html\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy Notice</a>\n <a href=\"https://www.healthcare.siemens.com/cookie\" target=\"_blank\">Cookie Policy</a>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"disclaimer-row\">\n <p class=\"disclaimer\" token-data=\"FOOTER.DISCLAIMER\" token-type=\"text\"><span>Let op:</span> Voor alle kandidaten die bij ons solliciteren, geldt dat Siemens geen geld vraagt voor/na de sollicitatieprocedure. Wij vragen geen bankgegevens of persoonlijke financi\u00eble informatie in ruil voor de zekerheid van een baan. Open nooit documenten in e-mails die door een Siemens recruiter lijken te zijn verzonden, tenzij je er zeker van bent dat \u00e9\u00e9n van onze professionals contact met je opneemt voor een actieve sollicitatieprocedure.</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>"}}}, "postApplyText": "Thanks for your application!", "advancedSearchOptions": [{"visible": false, "key": "organization", "name": "Organization"}, {"visible": true, "key": "skills", "name": "Top Demanded Skills"}, {"visible": true, "key": "is_remote", "name": "Remote vs Office"}, {"visible": true, "key": "family", "name": "Job Family"}, {"visible": true, "key": "level", "name": "Experience Level"}, {"visible": true, "key": "fulltime_or_parttime", "name": "Full Time / Part Time"}, {"visible": true, "key": "contract_type", "name": "Contract Type"}], "uploadResumeModal": {"title": "Let's take the pressure off your job search", "subtitle": "You\u2019ve done enough leg work in your career. 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This will create a temporary profile so we can match your resume to our available jobs.", "button": "I agree", "title": "Data Privacy Agreement"}, "companyName": "Siemens Healthineers", "hideJobCart": true, "navBar": {"opacity": 1, "color": "#000000", "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/siemens/1677769995::Healthineers+Logo+2023", "link": "https://jobs.siemens-healthineers.com/careers", "background": "#ffffff", "title": "Siemens"}, "custom_style": {"css": "@font-face {\n \n font-family: 'siemens-sans-roman';\n \n src: url('https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/siemens-sandbox/SiemensSans_Prof_Roman.png')format('woff');\n \n font-weight: normal;\n \n font-style: normal;\n \n\n}\n\n\n\nhtml *:not(.fa):not(.far):not(.fas):not(.fal):not(.fab):not(.footable):not(.fooicon):not(.footable-sort-indicator) {\n \n font-family: 'siemens-sans-roman' !important;\n \n -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased !important;\n \n\n}\n\n\n\n.candidate-login-link {\n \n color: black 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You will visit project sites to secure measurements, produce cost estimates, review quotes and key project success factors such as electrical and construction requirements with customers. You will communicate project information, status updates, schedule and scope changes to internal and external stakeholders; i.e customer, customer's architect, engineer, contractor, administration, Siemens Sales and Service partners, etc. A minimum of 3+ years of complex project management experience; managing multiple projects simultaneously Construction in healthcare environments preferred Ability to read and interpret blueprint drawings Knowledge of the construction industry (electrical, plumbing, structural, HVAC CAD knowledge preferred Outstanding written and verbal communication skills Residence in the St. Louis or Columbia MO areas and ability to travel up to 75%", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": "not_flexible", "work_location_option": "remote_local", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.siemens.com/careers/job/563156121356112", "isPrivate": true}, {"id": 563156121356084, "name": "Project Manager - Medical Imaging Equipment Installations - Cary, Raleigh, Wilmington, NC", "location": "Malvern, Pennsylvania, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika", "locations": ["Malvern, Pennsylvania, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika", "Cary, North Carolina, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika", "Raleigh, North Carolina, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika", "Wilmington, North Carolina, United States of America"], "hot": 0, "department": "Engineering", "business_unit": "Siemens Healthineers", "t_update": 1730095882, "t_create": 1729021745, "ats_job_id": "440825", "display_job_id": "440825", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "440825-de", "job_description": "Apply now for the position of Project Manager - Medical Equipment Installations and you will play a crucial role in advancing innovations within healthcare by overseeing numerous projects that significantly influence the achievements of Siemens Healthineers in the Cary, Raleigh or Wilmington, NC and surrounding areas. You will oversee logistics, planning, delivery and installation activities for imaging equipment across all modalities (i.e. MR, CT, X-Ray) within Siemens Healthineers [Planning for Radiographic, Fluoroscopy, Cardiology, Angiography, Computerized Tomography, Magnetic Resonance, Therapy, Nuclear Medicine and PET Systems] You will foster and maintain high level relationships in key accounts, and for driving revenue by working with customer stakeholders to develop project pre-construction plans, estimates, and schedules. You will monitor construction progress, coordinating with stakeholders (facilities, architects, mechanical, electrical and structural engineers, etc.), solving and coordinating construction issues and managing delivery and installation activities according to a schedule established mutually with the customer. You will manage multiple projects in support of ground-up new hospital or research facilities. You will visit project sites to secure measurements, produce cost estimates, review quotes and key project success factors such as electrical and construction requirements with customers. You will communicate project information, status updates, schedule and scope changes to internal and external stakeholders; i.e customer, customer's architect, engineer, contractor, administration, Siemens Sales and Service partners, etc. A minimum of 3+ years of complex project management experience; managing multiple projects simultaneously Construction in healthcare environments preferred Ability to read and interpret blueprint drawings Knowledge of the construction industry (electrical, plumbing, structural, HVAC) CAD knowledge preferred Outstanding written and verbal communication skills Residence in the Cary, Raleigh or Wilmington, NC areas and ability to travel up to 75%", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": "not_flexible", "work_location_option": "remote_local", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.siemens.com/careers/job/563156121356084", "isPrivate": true}, {"id": 563156121356074, "name": "Project Manager \u2013 Medical Equipment Installations - Columbus, OH", "location": "Hoffman Estates, Illinois, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika", "locations": ["Hoffman Estates, Illinois, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika", "Columbus, Ohio, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika"], "hot": 0, "department": "Engineering", "business_unit": "Siemens Healthineers", "t_update": 1729160695, "t_create": 1729021063, "ats_job_id": "440822", "display_job_id": "440822", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "440822-de", "job_description": "Join us in pioneering breakthroughs in healthcare. For everyone. Everywhere. Sustainably. Our inspiring and caring environment forms a global community that celebrates diversity and individuality. We encourage you to step beyond your comfort zone, offering resources and flexibility to foster your professional and personal growth, all while valuing your unique contributions. Apply now for the position of Project Manager - Medical Equipment Installations and you will play a crucial role in advancing innovations within healthcare by overseeing numerous projects that significantly influence the achievements of Siemens Healthineers in the Columbus, OH area. Your role: You will oversee logistics, planning, delivery and installation activities for imaging equipment across all modalities (i.e. MR, CT, X-Ray) within Siemens Healthineers [Planning for Radiographic, Fluoroscopy, Cardiology, Angiography, Computerized Tomography, Magnetic Resonance, Therapy, Nuclear Medicine and PET Systems] You will foster and maintain high level relationships in key accounts, and for driving revenue by working with customer stakeholders to develop project pre-construction plans, estimates, and schedules. You will monitor construction progress, coordinating with stakeholders (facilities, architects, mechanical, electrical and structural engineers, etc.), solving and coordinating construction issues and managing delivery and installation activities according to a schedule established mutually with the customer. You will manage multiple projects in support of ground-up new hospital or research facilities. You will visit project sites to secure measurements, produce cost estimates, review quotes and key project success factors such as electrical and construction requirements with customers. You will communicate project information, status updates, schedule and scope changes to internal and external stakeholders; i.e customer, customer's architect, engineer, contractor, administration, Siemens Sales and Service partners, etc. Your expertise: A minimum of 3+ years of complex project management experience; managing multiple projects simultaneously specific to construction in healthcare environments Ability to read and interpret blueprint drawings Knowledge of the construction industry (electrical, plumbing, structural, HVAC CAD knowledge preferred Outstanding written and verbal communication skills Residence in the Columbus, OH area and ability to travel up to 75% Field-based and offers company car, also for private use The pay range for this position is $92,000 - $108,000 annually and offers quarterly bonus plan. Base pay offered may vary depending on job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. Siemens Healthineers offers a variety of health and wellness benefits including paid time off and holiday pay. Details regarding our benefits can be found here: https://benefitsatshs.com/index.html. This information is provided per the required state Equal Pay Act. Base pay information is based on market location. Applicants should apply via Siemens Healthineers external or internal careers site. Who we are: We are a team of more than 71,000 highly dedicated Healthineers in more than 70 countries. As a leader in medical technology, we constantly push the boundaries to create better outcomes and experiences for patients, no matter where they live or what health issues they are facing. Our portfolio is crucial for clinical decision-making and treatment pathways. How we work: When you join Siemens Healthineers, you become one in a global team of scientists, clinicians, developers, researchers, professionals, and skilled specialists, who believe in each individual's potential to contribute with diverse ideas. We are from different backgrounds, cultures, religions, political and/or sexual orientations, and work together, to fight the world's most threatening diseases and enable access to care, united by one purpose: to pioneer breakthroughs in healthcare. For everyone. Everywhere. Sustainably. Check our Careers Site at https://jobs.siemens-healthineers.com/careers As an equal opportunity employer, we welcome applications from individuals with disabilities. We care about your data privacy and take compliance with GDPR as well as other data protection legislation seriously. For this reason, we ask you not to send us your CV or resume by email. Please create a profile within our talent community and subscribe to personalized job alert that will keep you posted about new opportunities. To all recruitment agencies: Siemens Healthineers' recruitment is internally managed, with external support permitted only when a qualified supplier has established a formal contract with us. Unsolicited candidate submissions and referrals, absent a current supplier contract, do not establish consent and are ineligible for fees. We delete and destroy unsolicited information, thus, would recommend you refrain from any such practices. Your adherence to our policies is appreciated. LI-EZ1 LI-Remote Equal Employment Opportunity Statement Siemens is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer encouraging diversity in the workplace. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, national origin, citizenship status, ancestry, sex, age, physical or mental disability unrelated to ability, marital status, family responsibilities, pregnancy, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, transgender, sex stereotyping, order of protection status, protected veteran or military status, or an unfavorable discharge from military service, and other categories protected by federal, state or local law. Reasonable Accommodations If you require a reasonable accommodation in completing a job application, interviewing, completing any pre-employment testing, or otherwise participating in the employee selection process, please fill out the accommodations form by clicking on this link Accommodation for disability form. If you're unable to complete the form, you can reach out to our AskHR team for support at 1-866-743-6367. Please note our AskHR representatives do not have visibility of application or interview status. EEO is the Law Applicants and employees are protected under Federal law from discrimination. To learn more, Click here. Pay Transparency Non-Discrimination Provision Siemens follows Executive Order 11246, including the Pay Transparency Nondiscrimination Provision. To learn more, Click here. California Privacy Notice California residents have the right to receive additional notices about their personal information. To learn more, click here.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": "not_flexible", "work_location_option": "remote_local", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.siemens.com/careers/job/563156121356074", "isPrivate": true}, {"id": 563156121356072, "name": "Project Manager \u2013 Medical Equipment Installations - Minneapolis, MN", "location": "Hoffman Estates, Illinois, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika", "locations": ["Hoffman Estates, Illinois, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika", "Minneapolis, Minnesota, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika"], "hot": 0, "department": "Engineering", "business_unit": "Siemens Healthineers", "t_update": 1729160697, "t_create": 1729020502, "ats_job_id": "440819", "display_job_id": "440819", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "440819-de", "job_description": "Join us in pioneering breakthroughs in healthcare. For everyone. Everywhere. Sustainably. Our inspiring and caring environment forms a global community that celebrates diversity and individuality. We encourage you to step beyond your comfort zone, offering resources and flexibility to foster your professional and personal growth, all while valuing your unique contributions. Apply now for the position of Project Manager - Medical Equipment Installations and you will play a crucial role in advancing innovations within healthcare by overseeing numerous projects that significantly influence the achievements of Siemens Healthineers in the Minneapolis, MN and surrounding areas. Your role: You will oversee logistics, planning, delivery and installation activities for imaging equipment across all modalities (i.e. MR, CT, X-Ray) within Siemens Healthineers [Planning for Radiographic, Fluoroscopy, Cardiology, Angiography, Computerized Tomography, Magnetic Resonance, Therapy, Nuclear Medicine and PET Systems] You will foster and maintain high level relationships in key accounts, and for driving revenue by working with customer stakeholders to develop project pre-construction plans, estimates, and schedules. You will monitor construction progress, coordinating with stakeholders (facilities, architects, mechanical, electrical and structural engineers, etc.), solving and coordinating construction issues and managing delivery and installation activities according to a schedule established mutually with the customer. You will manage multiple projects in support of ground-up new hospital or research facilities. You will visit project sites to secure measurements, produce cost estimates, review quotes and key project success factors such as electrical and construction requirements with customers. You will communicate project information, status updates, schedule and scope changes to internal and external stakeholders; i.e customer, customer's architect, engineer, contractor, administration, Siemens Sales and Service partners, etc. Your expertise: A minimum of 3+ years of complex project management experience; managing multiple projects simultaneously specific to construction in healthcare environments Ability to read and interpret blueprint drawings Knowledge of the construction industry (electrical, plumbing, structural, HVAC CAD knowledge preferred Outstanding written and verbal communication skills Residence in the Minneapolis area and ability to travel up to 75% Field-based and offers company car, also for private use The pay range for this position is $92,000 - $108,000 annually and offers quarterly bonus plan. Base pay offered may vary depending on job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. Siemens Healthineers offers a variety of health and wellness benefits including paid time off and holiday pay. Details regarding our benefits can be found here: https://benefitsatshs.com/index.html. This information is provided per the required state Equal Pay Act. Base pay information is based on market location. Applicants should apply via Siemens Healthineers external or internal careers site. Who we are: We are a team of more than 71,000 highly dedicated Healthineers in more than 70 countries. As a leader in medical technology, we constantly push the boundaries to create better outcomes and experiences for patients, no matter where they live or what health issues they are facing. Our portfolio is crucial for clinical decision-making and treatment pathways. How we work: When you join Siemens Healthineers, you become one in a global team of scientists, clinicians, developers, researchers, professionals, and skilled specialists, who believe in each individual's potential to contribute with diverse ideas. We are from different backgrounds, cultures, religions, political and/or sexual orientations, and work together, to fight the world's most threatening diseases and enable access to care, united by one purpose: to pioneer breakthroughs in healthcare. For everyone. Everywhere. Sustainably. Check our Careers Site at https://jobs.siemens-healthineers.com/careers As an equal opportunity employer, we welcome applications from individuals with disabilities. We care about your data privacy and take compliance with GDPR as well as other data protection legislation seriously. For this reason, we ask you not to send us your CV or resume by email. Please create a profile within our talent community and subscribe to personalized job alert that will keep you posted about new opportunities. To all recruitment agencies: Siemens Healthineers' recruitment is internally managed, with external support permitted only when a qualified supplier has established a formal contract with us. Unsolicited candidate submissions and referrals, absent a current supplier contract, do not establish consent and are ineligible for fees. We delete and destroy unsolicited information, thus, would recommend you refrain from any such practices. Your adherence to our policies is appreciated. LI-EZ1 LI-Remote Equal Employment Opportunity Statement Siemens is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer encouraging diversity in the workplace. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, national origin, citizenship status, ancestry, sex, age, physical or mental disability unrelated to ability, marital status, family responsibilities, pregnancy, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, transgender, sex stereotyping, order of protection status, protected veteran or military status, or an unfavorable discharge from military service, and other categories protected by federal, state or local law. Reasonable Accommodations If you require a reasonable accommodation in completing a job application, interviewing, completing any pre-employment testing, or otherwise participating in the employee selection process, please fill out the accommodations form by clicking on this link Accommodation for disability form. If you're unable to complete the form, you can reach out to our AskHR team for support at 1-866-743-6367. Please note our AskHR representatives do not have visibility of application or interview status. EEO is the Law Applicants and employees are protected under Federal law from discrimination. To learn more, Click here. Pay Transparency Non-Discrimination Provision Siemens follows Executive Order 11246, including the Pay Transparency Nondiscrimination Provision. To learn more, Click here. California Privacy Notice California residents have the right to receive additional notices about their personal information. To learn more, click here.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": "not_flexible", "work_location_option": "remote_local", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.siemens.com/careers/job/563156121356072", "isPrivate": true}, {"id": 563156121356056, "name": "Project Manager - Medical Imaging Equipment Installations - New York City Area", "location": "Malvern, Pennsylvania, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika", "locations": ["Malvern, Pennsylvania, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika"], "hot": 0, "department": "Engineering", "business_unit": "Siemens Healthineers", "t_update": 1730273462, "t_create": 1729019843, "ats_job_id": "440816", "display_job_id": "440816", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "440816-de", "job_description": "Apply now for the position of Project Manager - Medical Equipment Installations and you will play a crucial role in advancing innovations within healthcare by overseeing numerous projects that significantly influence the achievements of Siemens Healthineers in New York City and surrounding areas. You will oversee logistics, planning, delivery and installation activities for imaging equipment across all modalities (i.e. MR, CT, X-Ray) within Siemens Healthineers [Planning for Radiographic, Fluoroscopy, Cardiology, Angiography, Computerized Tomography, Magnetic Resonance, Therapy, Nuclear Medicine and PET Systems] You will foster and maintain high level relationships in key accounts, and for driving revenue by working with customer stakeholders to develop project pre-construction plans, estimates, and schedules. You will monitor construction progress, coordinating with stakeholders (facilities, architects, mechanical, electrical and structural engineers, etc.), solving and coordinating construction issues and managing delivery and installation activities according to a schedule established mutually with the customer. You will manage multiple projects in support of ground-up new hospital or research facilities. You will visit project sites to secure measurements, produce cost estimates, review quotes and key project success factors such as electrical and construction requirements with customers. You will communicate project information, status updates, schedule and scope changes to internal and external stakeholders; i.e customer, customer's architect, engineer, contractor, administration, Siemens Sales and Service partners, etc. A minimum of 3-5+ years of complex project management experience; managing multiple projects simultaneously Construction in healthcare environments preferred Ability to read and interpret blueprint drawings Knowledge of the construction industry (electrical, plumbing, structural, HVAC) CAD knowledge preferred Outstanding written and verbal communication skills Residence in New York City or surrounding areas and ability to travel up to 75%", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": "not_flexible", "work_location_option": "remote_local", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.siemens.com/careers/job/563156121356056", "isPrivate": true}, {"id": 563156121356038, "name": "Project Manager - Medical Imaging Equipment - New Mexico", "location": "Malvern, Pennsylvania, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika", "locations": ["Malvern, Pennsylvania, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika", "New Mexico, United States of America"], "hot": 0, "department": "Engineering", "business_unit": "Siemens Healthineers", "t_update": 1729160670, "t_create": 1728940382, "ats_job_id": "440636", "display_job_id": "440636", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "440636-de", "job_description": "Apply now for the position of Project Manager - Medical Imaging Equipment Installations in the states of New Mexico. You will oversee logistics, planning, delivery and installation activities for imaging equipment across all modalities (i.e. MR, CT, X-Ray) within Siemens Healthineers [Planning for Radiographic, Fluoroscopy, Cardiology, Angiography, Computerized Tomography, Magnetic Resonance, Therapy, Nuclear Medicine and PET Systems] You will foster and maintain high level relationships in key accounts, and for driving revenue by working with customer stakeholders to develop project pre-construction plans, estimates, and schedules. You will monitor construction progress, coordinating with stakeholders (facilities, architects, mechanical, electrical and structural engineers, etc.), solving and coordinating construction issues and managing delivery and installation activities according to a schedule established mutually with the customer. You will manage multiple projects in support of ground-up new hospital or research facilities. You will visit project sites to secure measurements, produce cost estimates, review quotes and key project success factors such as electrical and construction requirements with customers. You will communicate project information, status updates, schedule and scope changes to internal and external stakeholders, i.e. customer, customer's architect, engineer, contractor, administration, Siemens Sales and Service partners, etc. A minimum of 3-5+ years of complex project management experience; managing multiple projects simultaneously Construction in healthcare environments preferred Ability to read and interpret blueprint drawings Knowledge of the construction industry (electrical, plumbing, structural, HVAC) CAD knowledge preferred Outstanding written and verbal communication skills Ability to travel up to 75% Candidates should be based in the state of New Mexico and be willing to travel to other neighboring states as needed.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": "not_flexible", "work_location_option": "remote_local", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.siemens.com/careers/job/563156121356038", "isPrivate": true}, {"id": 563156121303929, "name": "Senior Radiochemist", "location": "Knoxville, Tennessee, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika", "locations": ["Knoxville, Tennessee, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika"], "hot": 0, "department": "Engineering", "business_unit": "Siemens Healthineers", "t_update": 1729220149, "t_create": 1728530360, "ats_job_id": "440092", "display_job_id": "440092", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "440092-de", "job_description": "Now's our time to inspire the future of healthcare together. Siemens Healthineers' PETNET Solutions, a global PET radiopharmaceutical network, leads the way in industry expertise. Providing routine, reliable delivery of high-quality radiopharmaceuticals and services has established us as the trusted partner in PET imaging since 1996. With more than 47 locations around the globe, Siemens Healthineers PETNET Solutions is the largest supplier of positron emission tomography (PET) radiopharmaceuticals, delivering more than 1,000,000 doses to more than 2,800 imaging centers worldwide, each year. Since 1996 we have delivered more than 6,000,000 doses worldwide. Because we have the largest network of pharmacies, our pharmacies back each other up. This gives us a dose fulfillment rate of >99%. If you place an order with us, we are successful at dispensing the dose. That is confidence delivered. Check us out: https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/en-us/molecular-imaging/petnet Job Summary PETNET is seeking applicants for a Senior Radiochemist position to support the development of PETNET's biomarker portfolio. The successful candidate will manage and execute on projects related to production and analytic chemistry to ensure that manufacturing and QC procedures meet corporate requirements to support GMP operation. This is an ideal role for a candidate with experience manufacturing radiopharmaceuticals and managing complex projects, with the opportunity to achieve challenging goals. The role is suited to those motivated to make vital contributions to the next generation of radiopharmaceutical drugs. Key Accountabilities Development of PETNETs manufacturing and QC testing procedures according to assigned projects. Oversee the development and validation of manufacturing and QC processes for PET drugs as they are introduced to PETNET. Lead development efforts to streamline, optimize, and scale up manufacturing and QC processes. Ensure the development work and validation is executed in compliance with GMP requirements . Facilitate the technical relationship with third party customers while onboarding new biomarkers. Contribute to the creation of SOPs for manufacturing and QC procedures. Support regulatory filings for the CMC sections of INDs and/or NDAs for PETNET and IP Sponsors. Lead development efforts to streamline, optimize, and scale up manufacturing and QC processes. Provide technical support to other PETNET engineering teams for all biomarkers. Position Requirements Education and Experience: Degree requirement is a PhD degree plus 4 years of experience, or Master's degree plus 6 years of experience. Practical radiochemistry or analytical validation experience is required. Experience developing or validating HPLC, TLC, or GC quality control methods required. Experience working in a GMP compliant manufacturing facility in PET (21 CFR 212) or pharmaceutical facility (21 CRF 211). Working knowledge of USP and EP. Strong written and verbal skills required. Who we are: We are a team of more than 71,000 highly dedicated Healthineers in more than 70 countries. As a leader in medical technology, we constantly push the boundaries to create better outcomes and experiences for patients, no matter where they live or what health issues they are facing. Our portfolio is crucial for clinical decision-making and treatment pathways. How we work: When you join Siemens Healthineers, you become one in a global team of scientists, clinicians, developers, researchers, professionals, and skilled specialists, who believe in each individual's potential to contribute with diverse ideas. We are from different backgrounds, cultures, religions, political and/or sexual orientations, and work together, to fight the world's most threatening diseases and enable access to care, united by one purpose: to pioneer breakthroughs in healthcare. For everyone. Everywhere. Sustainably. Check our Careers Site at https://jobs.siemens-healthineers.com/careers Beware of Job Scams Please beware of potentially fraudulent job postings or suspicious recruiting activity by persons that are currently posing as Siemens Healthineers recruiters/employees. These scammers may attempt to collect your confidential personal or financial information. If you are concerned that an offer of employment with Siemens Healthineers might be a scam or that the recruiter is not legitimate, please verify by searching for the posting on the Siemens Healthineers Career Site. \u201cSuccessful candidate must be able to work with controlled technology in accordance with US export control law.\u201d \u201cIt is Siemens Healthineers' policy to comply fully and completely with all United States export control laws and regulations, including those implemented by the Department of Commerce through the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), by the Department of State through the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), and by the Treasury Department through the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctions regulations.\u201d As an equal opportunity employer, we welcome applications from individuals with disabilities. We care about your data privacy and take compliance with GDPR as well as other data protection legislation seriously. For this reason, we ask you not to send us your CV or resume by email. Please create a profile within our talent community and subscribe to personalized job alert that will keep you posted about new opportunities. To all recruitment agencies: Siemens Healthineers' recruitment is internally managed, with external support permitted only when a qualified supplier has established a formal contract with us. Unsolicited candidate submissions and referrals, absent a current supplier contract, do not establish consent and are ineligible for fees. We delete and destroy unsolicited information, thus, would recommend you refrain from any such practices. Your adherence to our policies is appreciated. Equal Employment Opportunity Statement Siemens is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer encouraging diversity in the workplace. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, national origin, citizenship status, ancestry, sex, age, physical or mental disability unrelated to ability, marital status, family responsibilities, pregnancy, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, transgender, sex stereotyping, order of protection status, protected veteran or military status, or an unfavorable discharge from military service, and other categories protected by federal, state or local law. Reasonable Accommodations If you require a reasonable accommodation in completing a job application, interviewing, completing any pre-employment testing, or otherwise participating in the employee selection process, please fill out the accommodations form by clicking on this link Accommodation for disability form. If you're unable to complete the form, you can reach out to our AskHR team for support at 1-866-743-6367. Please note our AskHR representatives do not have visibility of application or interview status. EEO is the Law Applicants and employees are protected under Federal law from discrimination. To learn more, Click here. Pay Transparency Non-Discrimination Provision Siemens follows Executive Order 11246, including the Pay Transparency Nondiscrimination Provision. To learn more, Click here. California Privacy Notice California residents have the right to receive additional notices about their personal information. To learn more, click here.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": "not_flexible", "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.siemens.com/careers/job/563156121303929", "isPrivate": true}, {"id": 563156121320942, "name": "Site Installation Technician 2 - Company Vehicle Plan", "location": "Malvern, Pennsylvania, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika", "locations": ["Malvern, Pennsylvania, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika"], "hot": 0, "department": "Engineering", "business_unit": "Siemens Healthineers", "t_update": 1729220837, "t_create": 1728487124, "ats_job_id": "440036", "display_job_id": "440036", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "440036-de", "job_description": "Join us in pioneering breakthroughs in healthcare. For everyone. Everywhere. Sustainably. Our inspiring and caring environment forms a global community that celebrates diversity and individuality. We encourage you to step beyond your comfort zone, offering resources and flexibility to foster your professional and personal growth, all while valuing your unique contributions. Apply now for the position a Site Installation Technician, and you will perform installation and repairs of Advance Therapies equipment to support to the field service organization in accordance with factory specifications Your Role: You perform installation and repairs of Advance Therapies equipment to support to the field service organization in accordance with factory specifications. You maintain tools & parts inventory, schedule maintenance on tools, test equipment, etc. and complete documents required of all installations. You communicate and escalate technical issues and delays; keep installation projects on schedule; assure quality; evaluate room layout and installation quality of our install vendors; You troubleshoot technical problems and repair out of box failures and shipping damage; order missing or damaged parts; provide feedback to vendors, factory, project management and planning as needed. You travel with customer-facing stakeholders (e.g., those required to visit a customer/business partner site or interact in-person with customers at any conference or meeting) OR visit on-site, whether regularly or occasionally, at any Siemens Healthineers location. You participate in an \"All-Hands-On-Deck\u201d response to achieve deadlines related to business goal timelines. Your Expertise: Training, certification or degree in technical area relevant to product knowledge 2+ years of experience or an equivalent combination of education and experience Successful [demonstration or /commitment to develop areas of key responsibilities presented above Advance Therapies installation or maintenance experience preferred Ability to troubleshoot and evaluate room layouts and site planning blueprints Ability to travel overnight 100% of the time Strong communication and customer service skills Organized, self-sufficient and capable of working with little or no supervision Valid driver's license and good driving record required Candidate should live near a major airport within the United States The pay range for this position is $60,080 -$77,750 annually; however, base pay offered may vary depending on job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. The annual incentive target is 5% of base pay. Siemens Healthineers offers a variety of health and wellness benefits including paid time off and holiday pay. Details regarding our benefits can be found here: https://benefitsatshs.com/index.html. This information is provided per the required state Equal Pay Act. Base pay information is based on market location. Applicants should apply via Siemens Healthineers external or internal careers site. Who we are: We are a team of more than 71,000 highly dedicated Healthineers in more than 70 countries. As a leader in medical technology, we constantly push the boundaries to create better outcomes and experiences for patients, no matter where they live or what health issues they are facing. Our portfolio is crucial for clinical decision-making and treatment pathways. How we work: When you join Siemens Healthineers, you become one in a global team of scientists, clinicians, developers, researchers, professionals, and skilled specialists, who believe in each individual's potential to contribute with diverse ideas. We are from different backgrounds, cultures, religions, political and/or sexual orientations, and work together, to fight the world's most threatening diseases and enable access to care, united by one purpose: to pioneer breakthroughs in healthcare. For everyone. Everywhere. Sustainably. Check our Careers Site at https://jobs.siemens-healthineers.com/careers As an equal opportunity employer, we welcome applications from individuals with disabilities. Successful candidate must be able to work with controlled technology in accordance with US export control law. It is Siemens Healthineers' policy to comply fully and completely with all United States export control laws and regulations, including those implemented by the Department of Commerce through the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), by the Department of State through the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), and by the Treasury Department through the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctions regulation. We care about your data privacy and take compliance with GDPR as well as other data protection legislation seriously. For this reason, we ask you not to send us your CV or resume by email. Please create a profile within our talent community and subscribe to personalized job alert that will keep you posted about new opportunities. To all recruitment agencies: Siemens Healthineers' recruitment is internally managed, with external support permitted only when a qualified supplier has established a formal contract with us. Unsolicited candidate submissions and referrals, absent a current supplier contract, do not establish consent and are ineligible for fees. We delete and destroy unsolicited information, thus, would recommend you refrain from any such practices. Your adherence to our policies is appreciated. Equal Employment Opportunity Statement Siemens is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer encouraging diversity in the workplace. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, national origin, citizenship status, ancestry, sex, age, physical or mental disability unrelated to ability, marital status, family responsibilities, pregnancy, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, transgender, sex stereotyping, order of protection status, protected veteran or military status, or an unfavorable discharge from military service, and other categories protected by federal, state or local law. Reasonable Accommodations If you require a reasonable accommodation in completing a job application, interviewing, completing any pre-employment testing, or otherwise participating in the employee selection process, please fill out the accommodations form by clicking on this link Accommodation for disability form. If you're unable to complete the form, you can reach out to our AskHR team for support at 1-866-743-6367. Please note our AskHR representatives do not have visibility of application or interview status. EEO is the Law Applicants and employees are protected under Federal law from discrimination. To learn more, Click here. Pay Transparency Non-Discrimination Provision Siemens follows Executive Order 11246, including the Pay Transparency Nondiscrimination Provision. To learn more, Click here. California Privacy Notice California residents have the right to receive additional notices about their personal information. To learn more, click here.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": "not_flexible", "work_location_option": "remote_local", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.siemens.com/careers/job/563156121320942", "isPrivate": true}, {"id": 563156121347915, "name": "Refrigeration Specialist", "location": "Walpole, Massachusetts, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika", "locations": ["Walpole, Massachusetts, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika"], "hot": 0, "department": "Engineering", "business_unit": "Siemens Healthineers", "t_update": 1729161169, "t_create": 1728413506, "ats_job_id": "439860", "display_job_id": "439860", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "439860-de", "job_description": "Apply now for the position of Refrigeration Specialist 4 - This position supports industrial refrigeration/freeze drying equipment used to manufacture medical diagnostic testing materials at the Siemens Healthineers Walpole, MA manufacturing facility. Responsible for troubleshooting, repair and performing preventative maintenance on commercial refrigeration/freeze drying equipment and various temperature-controlled devices, including Ultra-Low temp refrigeration equipment Monitoring equipment for proper operation and making repairs as necessary Maintaining spare parts inventory Documenting service information A minimum of 250 hours accredited refrigeration training Strong understanding of refrigeration control systems Ability to read schematics and associated equipment manuals and specifications Able to use hand tools and specialty equipment associated with the trade Capable of performing physical activities such as lifting equipment up to 50 lbs. Safe handling of chemicals and lubricants Proficient with computer applications Must be able to follow written procedures and safety practices Attention to detail and good documentation practices Experience maintaining and troubleshooting industrial freeze-drying equipment, vacuum pumps, and low vacuum systems.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": "not_flexible", "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.siemens.com/careers/job/563156121347915", "isPrivate": true}, {"id": 563156121276141, "name": "CS Solution Implementation GB&I Automation Hardware Specialist", "location": "Standort Unabh\u00e4ngiger Arbeiter, Heim- und Telearbeit, Vereinigtes K\u00f6nigreich", "locations": ["Standort Unabh\u00e4ngiger Arbeiter, Heim- und Telearbeit, Vereinigtes K\u00f6nigreich"], "hot": 0, "department": "Engineering", "business_unit": "Siemens Healthineers", "t_update": 1729777483, "t_create": 1727869981, "ats_job_id": "438955", "display_job_id": "438955", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "438955-de", "job_description": "Apply now for the position of CS Solution Implementation Automation Hardware Specialist and you will manage and coordinate the automation installation activities at customer sites across the UK. Acting as a Technical Project Manager coordinating automation installation activities in primary area GB&I. Participate in resource planning and resource requests. Main activities will be to coordinate automation installation activities on site as well as actively conduct installation activities as part of the installation team. Installation activities are mechanical installation of track spine and modules, as well as startup and testing of individual components. Support automation application activities. Conduct final testing with all modules and analyzers before customer go live. Troubleshoot technical issues and follow local CS guidelines for part replacement, standardized escalation pathways to RSC/HSC. Support organisation by learning and improving with following activities: knowledge sharing, proactive management of mandatory retrofits / implementation modifications, hosting /co-hosting Best Practice & Technical Exchange & Focus meetings, etc. Support installation activities outside primary area is expected in low activity periods in primary area. Deliver standardized Service Trainings for Automation Systems for customer service engineers or any other appropriate target groups. You hold a Bachelor or Master degree in Electronics, Mechanics, Mechatronics, Bio-medical or any other comparable technical education would be a preference. You have an excellent technical understanding of in-vitro Healthcare Diagnostics. Working experience in the in-vitro Diagnostics industry, preferably with but not limited to Siemens Healthineers Diagnostics/ Inpeco Automation is an advantage. Strong analytical, technical, and problem-solving skills. Excellent communication abilities and be able to work effectively in intercultural teams. Leadership ability and a clear focus on customer service are also essential. Ability to multitask and prioritize concurrent activities is necessary. This role requires up to 70-85% travel. Business fluency in English.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": "not_flexible", "work_location_option": "remote_local", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.siemens.com/careers/job/563156121276141", "isPrivate": true}], "debug": {}, "count": 32, "countFilterByMatchScore": null, "location_user": "any", "location_used": "", "locationInsights": null, "showWizard": 1, "disableLocationSearchDropdown": false, "pcsAutocompleteLocationEnabled": 0, "recommended_star_threshold": 4, "mocTitle": null, "fuzzyResultsReturned": false, "query": {"query": "", "location": "", "department": [], "skill": [], "seniority": [], "pid": "563156115556093", "organization": [], "level": [], "skills": [], "is_remote": [], "family": ["Engineering"], "fulltime_or_parttime": [], "contract_type": []}, "userTitles": [], "isThinProfile": false, "veteranProgramDetails": [], "enableTargetedResume": 0, "jobCardConfig": {"display_config": {"fields": [{"data": "location", "icon": 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Wichtiger Hinweis an alle Bewerber: Beachten Sie bitte, dass Siemens vor / während / nach dem Bewerbungsprozess keine Gebühren verlangt. Wir fragen nicht nach persönlichen Bankdaten oder Finanzinformationen als Gegenleistung für eine Beschäftigung. Öffnen Sie Dokumente in E-Mails nur dann, wenn Sie von einem unserer HR-Experten von Siemens im Rahmen eines aktiven Bewerbungsverfahrens kontaktiert werden.
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